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Hypnosis is a STATE of absorbed, focused attention, sometimes known as a "trance" state. In this state the subconscious is more accessible then in our usual mode of conscious awareness.
Hypno-therapy utilises the state of hypnosis as a vehicle for THERAPY - messages are communicated to the subconscious to update outdated patterns and beliefs for the purpose of your well-being, healing and transformation.
Clinical hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnotherapy and psychological treatment. This type of Hypnotherapy is offered at Empowered Integration.
Different forms of psychological treatment utilised include strategic psychotherapy, somatic practices, inner-child healing and part’s integration to provide a holistic top down and bottom-up approach. Sometimes these modalities have a distinct beginning and ending. And other times it’s more subtle as they weave together and intertwine throughout the session.
Either way is just as powerful and divinely guided for YOU.
I usually recommend 4-6 sessions per issue, however, people usually start noticing benefits straight away.
Whilst I have seen some clients eradicate fears and lifelong phobia’s after just one session, many times an issue will have layers. In these cases, clients notice the benefits compound session by session as each layer arises to the surface and is processed.
It's important to honor the pace at which your nervous system can successfully handle, process and therefore SUSTAIN the incredible transformation work you’re doing.
Ultimately, you will notice change in 3 different ways:
1. instantly - you feel better straight away
2. cumulatively over time and
3. In retrospect - where you don’t realise how much has shifted until you reflect back on a recent event that would have caused you grief in the past and now realise, “huh, I didn’t react how I used to” or "I feel differently about that now".
We are all naturals at hypnosis. Some studies show that people can be in a state of hypnosis for at least 50 % of their day. Have you ever driven the same route to work every day, only to arrive and not recall much of the journey? Or have you ever been so absorbed in a good book or a movie that you haven’t noticed much of the noise around you? That’s a state of hypnosis.
It's important to note that if you DON’T want to be hypnotised, I cannot make you. I cannot force you to do anything you don’t want to do (as it should be) and I will only work with people that are willing to give it a go.
I am like guide or a GPS system and can suggest to turn left or right. You, the client, are the driver of your car and are in control of which way you turn regardless of what the GPS suggests.
In fact, one of the first empowering patterns addressed is helping you take charge of the things you can control and letting go of what you can’t. We especially hone in on and strengthen your CHOICE points – exercising choice in areas you didn’t think you had choice over. Now this is empowering work as well as relieving. Imagine what it would feel like if you could now let go of everything you’ve been trying to control that’s out of your control…
Some people think that because they could remember a session that it hasn’t worked. Rest assured, you can be aware of your surroundings and still go into hypnosis. In fact, often you will stay in a light state of trance as we converse back and forth, working together in guiding you to your own wisdom and insight as you take a more active part on your healing journey.
Sometimes a client won't remember the hypnotherapy (or parts of it), this is normal and this is OK too. It's just a sign you went deep into the process. The subconscious still takes it all in and you can trust that this is was the experience needed for you to have the most effective session. Frequently parts of the therapy bubble up to the surface as the days and weeks progress when the subconscious determines it is appropriate for your conscious mind to be aware of the experience.
Some people think they fell asleep, but rest assured I know the signs to look out for if someone is in a hypnotic state or asleep and i will gently wake you if you do fall asleep. This has not happened to me yet in a 1:1, although, more often than not you will experience a very deep state of pleasant relaxation.
YES! COMPLETELY different.
Stage hypnosis uses hypnosis for entertainment.
Clinical Hypnotherapy utilises hypnosis as a vehicle for therapy & healing. It is generally very pleasant & relaxing.
Stage hypnosis portrays the illusion of the hypnotist as a "master controller" and the audience member as the subject of control. What they don't show you is how they choose the subjects - they will never choose an audience member that hasn't volunteered or isn't willing to play. This is because the hypnotist (or hypnotherapist) simply cannot make you do something you don't want to do.
In our sessions together, I am simply a guide helping you tap into your own wisdom. We work together on helping you get back in charge of your life so you can remember and embody the sovereign being that you are and have always been.
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Empowered Integration, Denmark WA